Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hip Dysplasia

Even with hip problems, Dogs still need activity. Hip Dysplasia is a crippling condition most frequently seen in large dogs, although it can also occur in small dogs even in cats. The hip joint is a ball and socket type and in healthy animal, the ball or head fits tightly into the socket, resulting in smooth and pain-free movement. With hip dysplasia, the joint is loose, causing the unstable and often painful movement. Over time, the instability results in debilitating arthritis. The cause of of hip dysplasia is complex although we do know that genetics plays a big role. For instance, certain large breeds such as German shepherds are more prone to disease. Studies shows that implicated nutrition and rapid growth in a puppy as factors in the development of special diets for the rapid growth stage of large breed dogs. If dogs encounter this problem don't hesitate to bring your dogs to a veterinarian that can have the proper diagnosis.

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