Friday, November 21, 2008

Garlic is a colds worst enemy

If it can ward off vampires, then why not the common cold? One of our oldest cultivated plants, garlic has been used for centuries to treat everything from the plague and leprosy to toothache. In the 1800's, American doctors prescribed garlic for colds ad coughs. Today, scientist are busy uncovering the many ways that garlic keeps us healthy, and the list just keeps getting longer. Garlic cloves contain hundreds of active ingredients, including sulfur-containing compounds such as allicin, that give it its distinct and pungent aroma. garlic is antibacterial and antiviral. It's also an expectorant that helps you cough up phlegm. To get its full cold and flu fighting benefits, stick with fresh garlic cloves. deodorized garlic supplements are fine for hypertension or to reduce blood lipid levels, but when it comes to antibacterial activity, nothing is better than raw garlic.

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