Saturday, November 21, 2009

I love Direct TV

I am working as a sales agent for three years now and I can say that I am successful with my career because the company loves me so much because I bring good sales to them. After working for three consecutive years my boss approached me yesterday and asked me to go to her office for a general meeting and for some important announcement. the meeting was started in a regular way, we discuss different issues on how to improve our services but the most shocking and surprising part is that our boss announced for promotion. My name was included in the list and I was so surprised because I was not expecting that. My boss said that I will be transferred to Texas in their mother company as part of my promotion and training. I was so excited and I know that this is a tough job but I am willing to give my best shot. I already have contacted the place where i will stay in Texas and since I love to watch TV, I make it sure that I have the same Direct TV service because my Directv got the best channels. For people who need to move from one place to another like me you don't have to apply for another connection because you can continue your direct tv service. I was able to continue my Direct TV in Texas. For more information just visit their site at


Anonymous said...

Congrats ! you got a nice blog, I hope you have time to visit my world ,I invited a few selected people to visit my world and you are one of them,,once again
Congrats. Thank and more power.

Phnoy Tv Pinoy said...

Thank you for sharing.

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